Virtual Wellness Weeks has concluded.
Please visit this site for future Wellness Events.
FITNESS EXPO Wellness Weeks
October 3 through October 18, 2020
- Enjoy FITNESS EXPO Wellness Weeks from the comfort of YOUR home, on YOUR schedule.
- Exhibitor Videos are available for viewing on-demand with guest registration.
- A boutique-style EXPO giving you time to meet area Health and Fitness Experts through their videos showcasing recipes, nutrition, Ayurveda, self-care, exercise, and much more.
As a registered Guest, you will receive a User Name and Password via email. This will allow you to enter FITNESS EXPO and view the Exhibitor Videos as often as you like during Wellness Weeks October 3-18, 2020.
Each Exhibitor Business Page within your virtual FITNESS EXPO will include:
- Exhibitor Video
- Video description
- List of equipment or ingredients you might need for participation
- Video length
- Business contact information
- Business EXPO Special Pricing ( if available)
The cost of Guest Registration is only $5.00! That’s less than most single workshops or classes and you get them all virtually when you want them!
Registration is only $5.00 – Click here to register!
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or you just want to become healthier, our Fall Virtual FITNESS EXPO Wellness Weeks are for you. We invite men and women of all ages to learn more about area wellness options during the kimbentley FITNESS EXPO Wellness Weeks 2020. Exhibitor videos feature some of the Chippewa Valley’s best experts in health and fitness through virtual workshops and demonstrations available on-demand to our guests.
*We are diligently working on programming for this event so check back often and be sure to follow us:
Follow FITNESS EXPO Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Follow kimbentley Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
#kimbentley #fitexpoec #WellnessWeeks
FITNESS EXPO Presented by kimbentley, LLC
#kimbentley #fitexpoec